To measure ground packages use the following formula:
Length + 2x Width + 2x Height
Step 1. Determining Length
Measure the longest side of the package, rounding to the nearest inch. This is your length.
Step 2. Determining Girth (2x Width + 2x Height)
Measure the width of the package, rounding to the nearest inch. Multiply this number by 2.
Measure the height of the package, rounding to the nearest inch. Multiply this number by 2.
Add these two numbers together. This is your girth.
Step 3. Add the length and the girth together. This is your package measurement.
Step 4. Weigh the package to obtain its actual weight.
Irregularly Shaped Packages
Measure boxes or containers that are not rectangular to determine the package measurements and whether the package is within maximum limits. Treat the irregularly shaped package as if it were in a regular rectangular box. Measure the length, width, and height of the package from its extreme points.