What is a DOCUMENT shipment?

When shipping DOCUMENT internationally like from Canada to USA, people are always wondering what is a DOCUMENT shipment? Do I need to attach a commercial invoice?

Generally speaking, a document is defined as a written, typed, or printed communication of no commercial value.

However, different counties have slightly different definitions of DOCUMENT shipment. For example, the United States considers the following items document shipments. If criteria are listed, the shipment must meet the criteria to be considered a document shipment.

Airline Tickets (Airline tickets not for resale.)
Annual Reports
Cash Letters
Charts (Intercompany only)
Checks (Only blank checks not for resale, company-to-company checks, or payroll/personal checks)
Computer Print-Outs
Documents (Documents shipped in letter envelopes, Paks, or boxes do not require an invoice for Customs. Mark an “X” in the Documents Only box on the waybill.)
Drivers License
Examination Papers
Graphs (Intercompany)
Microfilm, Microfiche (Must contain company information only)
Mylars (Intercompany only)
Negatives (Intercompany only)
Newsletters (Company)
Passports (Passports will require proof of immigration and/or birth certificate.)
Price Lists
Seismic Data
Sepia Drawings
Slides (Must contain company information only)
Specifications Sheets
Transparencies (Must contain company information only)
Traveler’s Checks
USB Sticks (USB Sticks / SD Cards being imported with intercompany data can be entered in as an intangible entry. Intangible is a U.S. shipment entry type that will allow the shipments to release at the border regardless of value if the following items are identified as intercompany data: Records, diagrams and other data with regard to any business, engineering or exploration operation whether on paper, cards, photographs, blueprints, tapes or other media)
Visa Applications

When you ship international documents in a Express Envelope, or in any other packaging, you only need to complete a shipping label. Generally, an invoice is not required.

For shipping any other item which is not listed above, you will have to ship under parcel as non-document and a commercial invoice is required.

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Updated on September 4, 2023


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